
Global Triumph is currently offline.



Your Worlds

What is Global Triumph?

Global Triumph is a free, multiplayer, purely Web-based war game with a focus on military strategy.

Players join a wide variety of worlds and compete for control of territory via land, sea, and air. Unlike most online games, though, Global Triumph is not real-time. Continue reading...

How do I get started?

A great place to start is with the Video Tutorials.

You can also explore, join, or play in the various worlds using the menus to the right.

  • Active / Closed
    • Sandbox

      64 x 32

      Cycles Daily at 10:00pm EDT

Message Board

  Threads Last Message
Global Triumph The game, features, updates, plans, etc.
443 Nov 23, 2023/2:21 am
Help Game advice, explanations, etc.
188 Jun 8, 2016/12:13 pm
Official Worlds Official world roundtables. Discuss strategy, make threats, etc.
33 Feb 22, 2017/5:05 am
User Worlds User world roundtables. Discuss strategy, make threats, etc.
36 Nov 15, 2016/5:30 am


  • 1.1.12November 17, 2015
    • Worlds can now be set to allow land bases to be shared with other countries, optionally limited to countries in the same alliance.
    • Shared land bases appear on the world view and can be claimed using a new helicopter air unit.
  • 1.1.11October 27, 2015
    • Worlds can now be set to allow money transfer between countries, optionally limited to countries in the same alliance.
    • Sectors with radiation are no longer mined for materials during the Game Cycle.
    • Bombs now have a collateral damage range of five sectors (up from four).
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